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providing optimized and customized services with reasonable costs,
and assisting to enhance our client's competitiveness.

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    Seung-hun Lee

  • Mr. Seunghun Lee is a patent attorney at Wooin Patent & Law Firm.

    Mr. Lee has successfully performed all aspects of patent prosecution and counsels in various technical areas of patent law. His areas of expertise include digital signal processing, circuits, radio communications, control devices, semiconductors, computer hardware/software, and business models.

    Mr. Lee received his bachelor's degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Seoul National University. Before joining Wooin Patent & Law Firm, he had contributed to the success of Y.P. Lee, Mock & Partners and YAEJUNE Patent & Trademark Law Firm.

  • Memberships and Associations

    • Korean Patent Attorenys Assoication(KPAA)